Chapter 1 — Overview
A — Social Action's Role in U.S. Experiment in Democracy B — US College Social Action C — Benefits of Social Action for Students Campuses, and Society D — The Vision: Bringing Social Action into the Classroom E — Overcoming Challenges of Teaching Social Action
Chapter 2 — Developing a Social Action Class
A — Academic Course vs Co-Curricular & B — Prerequisites C — Creating a Social Action Syllabus D — Teaching Style & E — Classroom Norms F — The Students G — Building Campus Allies and Community Partners H —The Role of Place & I —Each Semester vs Every Year (or Other Year) J — Maintaining Momentum
Chapter 3 — Launching Student Campaigns
A — On Your Mark: Preparing Students for the Road Ahead B — Go! Students Choose Their Issue C — Get Set: Setting the Tone D — Change Theory E — Building Power F — Social Action Campus Tour G — Research: Historical Overview, Power Mapping, & Target Analysis H — Group Dynamics I — Strategy & Tactics J — Campaign Kickoff
Chapter 4 — Campaign Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
A — Timeline & Campaign Plan B — Campaign Implementation: "Series of Actions" Begins C — Campaign Execution & Case Studies D — Campaign Evaluation E — Day of the Final: Campaign Notebook & Group Presentation
Chapter 5 — Where to Go From Here
A — Next Semester B — Mainstreaming Social Action C — Social Action Internship Program D — Pipeline to Jobs & Graduate School E — Status of Current Campaigns F — Impact of Social Action on Former Social Action Students
CHANGE! A Guide to Teaching Social Action
- Chapter 3J: Campaign Kickoff (p. 109-177)
Sociology 164: Social Action Assignments
TEXTBOOK: CHANGE! A Student Guide to Social Action, Ch. 7 — Campaign Kickoff
- Going Public with the Media (p. 99)
- Campaign Message (p. 99-102)
- Planning the Kick-Off Event (p. 102-104)
- Commitment Card
- Dry-Erase Boards
- Media Plan (p. 104-106)
- Day of the Event (p. 106-108)
- Case Studies (p. 108-112)
Campaign Activities
1. Plan: Day of Event (pg. 106)
- What’s going to happen?
- Who is going to do what at event?
- Who is going to speak?
- Who will make signs / hold signs behind speaker?
- Who will recruit for the event?
- Have podium, media coordinator greets the reporters and introduces them to the groups members who are available for comment. Students should recruit at the event. Announce next event.
2. Recruit for Kickoff Event:
Have students create a Commitment Card, which is a process to encourage folks to come to the event (pg. 103). Below are paper copies:
Increasingly, students are using with QR codes on their flyers for people to use to get to an online Commitment Card on a Google Form.
In addition, encourage students to write on dry erase boards in classrooms and chalk on sidewalks to announce their kickoff event (pg. 104)
3. Choose a Media Relations Coordinator
- This student will make sure that the media is alway being considered during the meetings, and implement the media plans implementation. In conjunction with the professor, they will develop media contacts. They will also take the lead in writing press releases.
- Students can put this on their resume.
4. Write a Press Release (pg. 105, 110)
- The title of the press release is key (pg. 105)
- Students send their press release to the Assignment Desks (pg. 106). Once sent, have students should follow the process spelled out in the textbook (i.e., email the press release 4 days before the event, and then follow up with phone call, etc.)
- Professor should develop a media list, but only share the list with the students after their share their press release, so the prof can suggest edits.
Attend Campaign Actions
I try to attend the campaign actions. The students are so appreciate it if you go! You can also play a role by helping them work through any last minute kinks.
Campaign Kick-Off Videos
Students Against Sweatshops
Low Income Versus Elite (LIVE)
Student Homeless Alliance (SHA)
Students for Racial Justice
Students Against Sexual Assault
Students For Filipino Farmworkers
Gulf Coast Civic Works Project (GCCWP)
Campaign Case Study
I posted on Mural Board the various campaign activities that the Students for Filipino Farmworkers would have to undertake to do a campaign kickoff, and then asked them to identify the team member who would do each.
Commitment Cards
Press Release
Fliers for the Event
Course Development Questions
- How will the skills and resources that you possess help your students with their campaign kickoff (e.g., creating a media list, contacts and persistence with the press, helping them to develop a captivating title for the press release, etc.)