Social Action
Social action occurs when everyday people band together to develop their power in order to change policy. Students in a social action course choose a campaign to work on, and as part of a team, attempt to enact a policy change on campus or in the community by making demands of a decision-maker. Students can launch their own campaign or join a community organization's campaign and create a "student-wing" in collaboration with them.
Our Vision
Every college campus, every semester, there is a course where students learn about democracy and change by doing them.
The Need
The United States is at a crossroads, as democracy is under attack and many feel disempowered. Many college courses teach about democracy and change, but few provide students the opportunity to learn by doing them. Teaching Social Action meets the need by providing the necessary training for faculty and staff.
“I have discovered that although students care deeply about environmental and social issues, they have been brought up in a society that emphasizes personal action (e.g., recycling, purchasing) rather than how to come together to change exploitative or harmful systems. They are confused and feel powerless to make a difference. I see that they need training, mentoring, and experience in social action to be able to make the changes that they want to see in the world. I have tried to teach social action, but to be honest I think I have been teaching ABOUT social action. We have talked about issues and talked about what they COULD do about them. I've even assigned them to write letters to editors, submit public comments, taken them to legislative hearings and to climate marches. BUT I haven't taught them how to identify an issue and plan and implement a goal of change. This is what I want to do next.
Dr. Bethany Woodworth, School of Marine & Environmental Programs, University of New England
The Model Course
In 2006, Dr. Scott Myers-Lipton created a social action course at San José State University. Ever since, he has been refining and honing this transformative pedagogy and curriculum. Importantly, this model moves beyond just talking about change, or having students do an internship with an organization working on policy change; rather, this model has students working as a team where they conduct issue development, build power, develop tactics, and then launch and/or work on a campaign, while connecting concepts to action. Using this transformative model, Scott’s students have won 17 campaigns.
Read more about our model social action course here and other social action courses here.
The Student Campaigns
Students choose the campaigns, and they can be from a conservative, liberal, or no ideological perspective. In addition, the campaigns must be non-violent in word and deed and be aligned with the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Over 50 student social action campaigns have taken place, or are currently taking place.
Importantly, if the students decide to do a campaign in the community, they do not go in and "organize” it. Rather, the students connect with a community organization who is working on a policy change, and create a student-wing of the campaign. After listening to the community and hearing their needs, and in consultation with the community organization, the students then conduct campaign activities (e.g., fliering, social media, giving organizational raps to student groups, and base building). During the semester, the students plan and lead at least one campaign action, which is a public display of power that puts pressure on the decision-maker through a march, rally, press conference, lobbying day, street theater, occupying space, and/or target meeting.
View student campaigns here.
The Impact
The impact of social action is felt by students, campuses, and communities, as they breathe new life into our democracy by doing change.
“When I came into this classroom, I remember our professor said ‘this is going to be a life-changing class. You might not believe that change is possible, but it is.’ I wanted too believe it, but there was still some type of doubt in me. Little did I know that within the semester we were talking to the media and to different people. Now I would say that change is possible, if you have the motivation, the drive, the passion, or even the anger. That spark in you that comes when you say that this is an injustice and this is not right.”
Mayra Bernabe, Student Homeless Alliance, San José State
View more on the impact of teaching social here.
Our Guides
We have developed two CHANGE! books and a Companion Guide. They are all based on the model developed by Dr. Scott Myers-Lipton over 17 years of teaching Sociology 164: Social Action at San José State University.
"CHANGE! is very effective, in part because the book is structured to align with the academic semester. Just three weeks into the semester, I can see that my students have already carried out as many actions as they accomplished all semester long last year without the book. The narrative is compelling, the examples from prior college student campaign successes are inspiring, and the focus on policy change is pushing my students to make clearer and more focused demands."
Dr. Miriam Shakow, Anthropology, The College of New Jersey
“CHANGE! comes at a moment in U.S. history that demands the creation of ever more powerful social and economic justice change agents, a job that higher education has done poorly. It’s part roadmap, part compass, part toolkit. But above all, it’s a practical guide for faculty who want to foster a new generation of able and smart activists."
Dr. Kent Glenzer, Graduate School of International Studies & Management, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
See CHANGE! books and Companion Guide here & other teaching resources here.
Our Events
We host in-person and virtual Institutes on Teaching Social Action on how to teach social action. In the past several years, we have had 500 faculty (and some staff that can teach) apply to our Institutes, with 300 accepted from 190 college campuses.
“I have personally gone through the Institute and found it incredibly helpful in developing a social action course, that I then taught at the University of Michigan the following semester. Teaching social action has been one of the highlights of my career, as it provides students with concrete tools with which to organize social action campaigns. I highly recommend it!
Dr. Arun Agrawal, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan
“The Institute was one of the most effective uses of my time in my 30+ years in higher education. It was empowering and affirming to be surrounded by other higher education professionals with a commitment to preparing the next generation to engage in making societal change through social action. For decades I have had social action be an integral part of my educational approach. The Institute provided a structure and the tools to implement social action in an organized and meaningful way as a part of the educational experience. Often feeling isolated and as though I was using trial and error with each project in social action work in the classroom, I left the Institute invigorated, armed with new knowledge and tools. I wondered where the Social Action Institute had been all of my higher ed life.”
Dr. Cassandra Simon, School of Social Work, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa
In addition, we organize monthly Zoom meet-ups during the semester for faculty and staff who are teaching social action and for people considering it. At the end of each semester, we host an on-line National Summit on College Social Action where students share the lessons learned.
More on our events here.
Our Community
Join hundreds of other educators who are teaching the next generation of democratic participants by engaging them in direct experiences in leading policy change campaigns.
“In Fall 2023, after just two days with Scott and other scholars from all over the country learning how to teach and do social action with our students, I have felt connected, supported, and empowered to do extraordinary things in and beyond the classroom. I love it that we are learning together, part of a national network, growing by the day. This is true transformation.”
Dr. Maria Perez, Geology & Geography, West Virginia University
Join our community here.