School Name
Augustana College
History and Gender Studies
Engagement Description
underrepresentation of minoritized communities in local histories/historical sites; archival social justice; making changes to historical markers in the community/on campus; histories of housing inequality in the community; access of indigenous communities to local archival resources
Yes. Led students in an intro-level gender studies course on social action projects around intimate partner violence: changing a campus policy, putting on a Take Back the Night event. Our work included some invited speakers who do related work in the community, forming teams to organize the event, and an action component. It was rewarding but I think devoting more time to it would have been useful, and I'd like to learn how to be more intentional.
I have used a form of social action in a course in the past, but no longer teach that course.It was a gender studies course, where I feel like social action seems more naturally linked to the course content. Students found it very rewarding. But I would like to experiment with it in a history methods course, to help students understand how historical knowledge can be applied.
How did you hear about opportunity
Provost's office at my institution
Semester Teaching
Spring '25
Course Plan
Existing Course
Community Engagement
Social Action
Major Group
Social Sciences
Social ScienceHistoryGender Studies
Breakout Group
Social Science