Taught By:
Lealle Ruhl
Instructor in History, Latin, Political Science and Interdisciplinary Studies
Coordinator of Peace and Conflict Studies.
Langara College
Read profile here.
Course Description:
both of these courses present students with an overview of how violence is supported and reproduced in economic, social, and political contexts (the war system). In Peace and Conflict in the Modern World, the focus is on demonstrating the ways in which violence is legitimated, produced, and reproduced across different areas at the global and domestic state levels. We then move on to explore non-violent (peace system). This section ends with a survey of different peace movements, historically and in the present moment. Conflict and Conflict Resolution is a team-taught course that offers a layered approach to unlearning violence. We begin with an overview of how violence is perpetrated and reproduced through dynamics of global politics. We then move to an exploration of how power and change are achieved non-violently within states, thus we look at theories of power, change, and citizen mobilization. Finally, this coures ends with a 4 week module on strategies of non-violent communication, conflict transformation, and communication skills.