Scott, I will not be able to attend in October. The one I am most interested in is next year in Michigan, if that is an option. Thanks! Mary
Geography, Environment, and Sustainability
Last spring, our University Senate have passed a Senate Climate Justice Resolution. There are two recommendations for the campus that are in the resolution that I would like to explore with the class.
1) Identify opportunities for educational and transformative greening of community relationships
2) Increase transparency of labor conditions and material supply chains
Yes, most of my classes in the last 17 years could be described as related to environmental justice. It is still challenging on an over-busy campus. My work originally was international but for the past decade it has been in collaboration with marginalized and frontline communities here in Virginia. It is always a struggle to engage students - many from privileged backgrounds - in this work around waste and energy (my specialities). The course I would like to redesign is 'Green Schools,' something I taught a decade ago, but mainly focused on comparing our campus to other schools. I am bringing campus research into a global climate investment course now with student projects on waste, energy and divestment-reinvestment. I'd like to offer both courses with one focused locally and the other globally.
I am also interested in learning about the workshop series. I give lots of workshops in the community, but most are offered one by one (as requested) and not offered in a series. I would like to develop a series in the area of climate justice working in collaboration with community partners.
I am most interested in designing engagement for social change on campus and in our relationships with our city (Richmond), a place with significant inequality. I am co-leading a faculty learning community on climate justice where many of us from across campus are exploring this topic.
How did you hear about opportunity
From our Center for Civic Engagement - Derek Miller
Environment & Sustainability