Taught By:
Alycia Barnwell
Lecturer II
Social Work Department
University of Nevada, Reno
Read profile here.
Course Description:
SW 427 is one of a four-course sequence emphasizing application of skills, knowledge, and values to social work practice. This course focuses on competent intervention with organizations, communities, and legislatures. This course furthers the understanding of the strengths-based, generalist social work perspective. In this course students will learn public speaking, elements of grant writing, budgeting, advocacy, lobbying and written and oral persuasion techniques as methods of assessing and responding to community and organizational issues. Students will learn to attend to the cultural, ideological, and diverse nuances present in large groups of people and within complex problems while maintaining a critically reflexive position in relation to their own culture, privilege, ideology, personal values, and biases. Students will be asked to use critical thinking skills to identify and implement interventions with organizations and communities that are evidenced-informed, as well as contextually and culturally relevant.