Taught By:
Amy Best
Professor Sociology & Co-director Youth Research Council
Sociology and Anthropology & Center for Social Science Research
George Mason University
Read profile here.
Motivation for Teaching Social Action:
I hope to combine social action campaign strategies with our Youth Research Council which is a year long, multi year YPAR project with high school students.
Course Description:
The Youth Research Council (YRC) is a YPAR project in its 4th year working with area high school students (representing @20 high schools each year) and is a partnership of Mason’s Center for Social Science Research and the Early Identification Program (EIP). This year we are focused on more comprehensive outreach, presenting research findings from the last 3 years to area high school administrators and councils, as well as CBOs in order to implement organizational change based on research collected and analyzed by the YRC fellows. The Social Action Institute will assist in developing a change campaign informed by the YPAR research.