On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 10:01 PM Weltman-Cisneros, Talia <tweltmancisneros@mail.smu.edu> wrote:
Hi Scott,I hope that all is well, and that it has been a productive and calm week.
After speaking with you last week about specifics of the social action campaign program, and after thinking through my "Conversations & Community" course, I would love to be a part of the Winter Institute and incorporate the framework and objectives/plan into my course.
As I mentioned, I am doing a lot of this already, just in isolated parts, and without a structured, comprehensive framework. It is a natural fit to formalize what I am already doing.
I did submit the interest form a while ago (that's how you received my email to see if this would be the right fit). Is there something else to complete in order to apply for to be a part of the Winter Institute?
Thanks again for all your time and help.
En solidaridad,
From: Weltman-Cisneros, Talia <tweltmancisneros@mail.smu.edu>Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 3:33 PMSubject: Re: Thank you for your interest in the upcoming Winter Institute on Teaching Social Action on January 3-5...To: scott myers-lipton <smlipton@gmail.com>
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the further clarifications about what is required by this model. I think it will be a great opportunity and I look forward to learning with you all and working with my students to develop and implement these components.
I will be looking for readings in Spanish that speak to the topics of issue development, building power, strategy and implementation (it's important to keep the target language component as well) and I'm happy to pass along any findings that may be of use to other faculty who are in Spanish language programs and aiming to implement such models.
Looking very forward to being a part of the Winter Institute.
Thanks again,
Talia Weltman-Cisneros, Ph.D. (she/her/ella)
Lecturer of Spanish
Spanish Majors & Minors Advisor
Department of World Languages & Literatures
Southern Methodist University
PO Box 750236
Dallas, Texas 75275-0236