Taught By:
Kristina Patterson
Asst. Professor of Public Administration
Georgia Southern University
Read profile here.
Motivation to Teach Social Action:
I know that our students are looking for ways to address social issues that are important to them, so having the dedicated time to develop a social action workshop series will enable me to support them.
Course Description:
News media and popular culture surround us with stories of violence, poverty, and urban decay. Political leaders exchange ideas about education, the economy, health care, and welfare reform. But what are all of these issues really about? What is life like for someone who is experiencing homelessness or a family living in poverty? Where have these problems come from? And most importantly, what can we do about them, as individual citizens and as a society? Through this course, students explore the complex challenges that affect our communities today, and are introduced to tools and strategies for community development and positive social change. Students have the opportunity to engage in focused explorations of social issues of their choosing, in order to develop the skills, knowledge, and strategies to effect social change.